30 Sep Introducing Our Mascot, Mr. Bipbo
Bipang Jangkar is one of the snack brands commonly known as typical food souvenirs of Pasuruan.
Mr. Kwee Pwee Bok, the first generation, started making bipang and candy in Japanese colonial period. At that time, Pasuruan was still known as one of the largest port city on the island of Java. Most bipang buyers were sailors.
Kwee Ik Sam, Kwee Pwee Bok’s first child had an idea to name ‘Jangkar” means “Anchor” as the brand of Bipang Company in order to be easily recognized by sailors. Since 1949, the name of “ Bipang Jangkar” has been the identity of the Typical Legendary Bipang of Pasuruan.
Bipang Jangkar has a mascot named Mr. Bipbo. Bipbo stands for Bipang Boy. This nickname is pinned in order to be easily recognized by children. If you come to our store, you can meet Mr Bipbo and take a picture with him. Don’t forget to post it on your social media, okay?
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